jeudi 15 décembre

Word in Progress (WIP)

WIP stands for “Work in Progress” in Paris, and since 2016, for “Word in Progress” in Luxembourg. Usually, on the second Tuesday of each month, from November to May, WIP Luxembourg invites you to discover three texts in the making and their authors. 

The idea is simple: come and join us for this special edition and listen to unpublished texts in a friendly atmosphere. After each reading, you can share your impressions with the author and the audience. To help create a dialogue, an “interrogator” stands by the writer and channels the crowd’s passion and discussion. French, Luxembourgish, German, even English: each Word In Progress is dedicated to one of the country’s spoken languages.  

On December 15, WIP Luxembourg features 3 English-language authors: John-Paul Gomez, Florence Sunnen and Jérôme Netgen. Join us at 8:00 pm at Bistrot Ratelach, located at the end of the courtyard of Kulturfabrik.

John-Paul Gomez

John-Paul (J.P.) Gomez is the creator of the satire and humor blog the Luxembourg Wurst. He won the first prize in the 2022 Luxembourg Literary Contest for his short story collection The Idiot of St. Benedict. Originally from Fort Collins, Colorado in the United States, he has lived in Luxembourg since 2007. Some of the fun projects he is currently working on include a historical horror screenplay, a script for a VR video game, and a new crop of short stories.

Florence Sunnen

Born in Luxembourg, Florence Sunnen spent her twenties and early thirties studying in Germany and the United Kingdom before returning home to Luxembourg City in 2021. Her writing explores personal identity in the context of social relationships, and the strangeness of living in a shifting, unreliable environment. Most recently, her work has appeared in Fabulous Aesop by Zagava Press, with whom she also published her collection Archetypes in 2021.

Jérôme Netgen

Born and bred in Esch. Lives in the west of the country. Writes in German, Luxembourgish and English (plays, short stories …). Worked at Kulturfabrik as a programme manager from 2007 to early 2022. His short play Like snow on ocean waves was staged by Rafael Kohn for Collateral Drama asbl. in 2021.
