vendredi 26 juillet
Centre Culturel Kulturfabrik Esch

DJ Set by Gustavo Morales a.k.a DJ Ghost

Tout le monde le sait, tout est bien plus agréable en musique ! C’est pour cela qu’on a prévu des DJ-Sets de qualité pour accompagner votre été et vos boissons rafraîchissantes au Summer Bar.Gustavo Morales (November 16, 1979, in Caracas, Venezuela), is a musician-percussionist, Dj, explorer, and producer of experimental music, ambient and electronic with different textures and organic sounds. Toute la programmation ICI.

Currently actively involved in the vanguard and alternative culture, nationally and internationally, through Itinerantes asbl and Another Level Creative Group. Now based at the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, working and developing some musical projects like the new concept “Travel on the Beat” at Gudde Wëllen as coordinator and Dj resident, but also playing in different venues and European festivals, also working in various projects in collaborations with artist from all over the world.
