mercredi 23 novembre
Centre Culturel Kulturfabrik Esch


Culture clash movies are practically a genre in themselves. They can subvert every known genre in moviedom and turn its conventions upside down, making it a culture clash movie instead. Wasn’t „King Kong“ one of the first culture clash movies? From high drama to absurdist comedy, from harsh documentary to psychologically nuanced auteur cinema to roaring blockbuster, the culture clash movie tells us a lot about human experience and the bond we all share. Some of them are, of course, heavy on cliché, but the good ones don’t have to rely on that. A culture clash doesn’t have to turn into a culture war either. Anyone for a „remix“?

  • Drama
  • FR / 2015
  • Directed by Jacques Audiard
  • Casting: Antonythasan Jesuthasan, Kalieaswari Srinivasan
  • 109 min
  • OV, no subtitles
  • Suitable for ages 12+

EN – Fleeing to France from a Sri Lanka on fire, a former soldier, a young woman and a little girl try to pass for a family. Barely knowing each other, they try to build a home in a deprived neighbourhood of Paris. Played by non-professional actors, Audiard’s film (which went on to win the Palme d’Or at the Cannes festival in 2015) possesses an undeniable documentary force.

DE – Drei Flüchtlinge aus Sri Lanka – ein ehemaliger Soldat, eine junge Frau und ein kleines Mädchen – versuchen in einem sensiblen Viertel der französischen Hauptstadt Fuß zu fassen. Obwohl sie sich untereinander kaum kennen, beschließen sie, den Eindruck einer Familie zu erwecken und sesshaft zu werden. Audiards dokumentarisch geprägter Film gewann die Goldene Palme 2015.

FR – Fuyant la guerre civile au Sri Lanka, un ancien soldat, une jeune femme et une petite fille se font passer pour une famille. Réfugiés en France dans une cité sensible, se connaissant à peine, ils tentent de se construire un foyer. Joué par des acteurs non-professionnels, le film possède une force documentaire qui lui a valu la Palme d’Or en 2015.
