mardi 16 avril
Centre Culturel Kulturfabrik Esch

Word in Progress (WIP)

WIP stands for “Work in Progress” in Paris, and since 2016, for “Word in Progress” in Luxembourg. Usually, on the second Tuesday of each month, from November to May, WIP Luxembourg invites you to discover three texts in the making and their authors. 

The idea is simple: come and join us for this special edition and listen to unpublished texts in a friendly atmosphere. After each reading, you can share your impressions with the author and the audience. To help create a dialogue, an “interrogator” stands by the writer and channels the crowd’s passion and discussion. French, Luxembourgish, German, even English: each Word In Progress is dedicated to one of the country’s spoken languages.  

On April 16th, WIP Luxembourg will feature the 3 English-language authors : Anne-Marie Reuter, Jeffrey Palms and Maxime Weber. Moderation by Jérôme Jaminet. 

Join us at 8:00 pm at Bistrot Ratelach, located in Kulturfabrik’s courtyard. 

Born in Luxembourg, Anne-Marie Reuter studied in London and Warwick. In 2017, she co-founded Black Fountain Press and published a collection of flash fiction and short stories, On the Edge. In 2021 and in 2024, Redfoxpress, Ireland released her stories Blue and Red. She iscurrently finishing her first novel.

Jeffrey Palms is the author of I’m Having a Knippchen (Black Fountain Press, 2021), a series of creative nonfiction essays that dive into the cold cultural waters of alien living. Otherwise, he writes speculative fiction: his short story “Residual Suspension; or, Life After Debt” is forthcoming in Kaleidotrope and several other stories have been rejected by many prestigious magazines. His MFA in creative writing is currently underway at the University of Glasgow, where his research looks at how music can be used in science fiction contexts to challenge mainstream notions of “progress.” He also reviews books for Shoreline of Infinity, serves on the reading committee of Black Fountain Press, and teaches the occasional creative writing workshop. He grew up in a wooden house in suburban Detroit and eats bagels.

Maxime Weber was born on the 1st of October 1993 in Luxembourg-City. He currently lives and works in Berlin. In 2010, his first short story ‚Der vierte Affe’ was published in the anthology Mord und Totschlag by Editions Saint-Paul. In 2016, he won the 1st prize at the Prix Laurence for his short story ‚Chaudron fêlé‘, which was published in 2017 in the anthology Anthologie Prix Laurence – D’Laureaten 2015-2016 by Editions Guy Binsfeld.  In 2020, he won the 2nd prize in the ‘Young Voices’ contest for his short story ‘Panima‘, which was later published in the anthology Young Voices. Short Fiction by Young Writers from Luxembourg by Black Fountain Press. His debut novel ‘Das Gangrän‘ was published in 2021. He’s currently working on his second novel and a short story collection.
