mardi 17 octobre
18:00 - 20:00
Uni Lëtzebuerg – Campus Belval – Maison des Sciences Humaines

Université du Luxembourg

Université du Luxembourg : 20 Years of Ideas – Lecture series

Ethics is not enough! How to React to Digital Transformation

Prof. Till Dembeck

Belval, Maison des Sciences Humaines, Black Box

From 18.00 to 20.00

Lecture held in English


Media have a resounding effect on social relations. For example, the emergence of modern society resulted from the invention of the printing press. Today, many anticipate that ‘digitalisation’ will have similarly far-reaching effects, and this often leads to ethical reactions: ethics is to align digital technology with ‘human’ values. This reaction, however self-evident it may seem, must be questioned: not only is the ‘ethification’ of digital technologies a comparably weak reaction, worse, it impedes a clear-sighted assessment of the societal revolution underway. This lecture aims at offering a more sober, though potentially ‘unethical,’ look at the affordances of digital media.


From 21 September 2023 until end of February 2024, on Belval Campus, Kirchberg Campus and at Neumünster Abbey, discover with us science and solutions for the world of tomorrow – open to all and free of charge, across our research areas.


More information and registration at:
