lundi 30 octobre
18:00 - 20:00
Uni Lëtzebuerg – Campus Belval – Maison des Sciences Humaines

Université du Luxembourg

Université du Luxembourg : 20 Years of Ideas – Lecture series

AI-powered Computer Vision: To the Moon and Back

Prof. Djamila Aouada

Belval, Maison des Sciences Humaines, Black Box

From 18.00 to 20.00

Lecture held in English


This talk is an invitation to embark on a journey through AI-powered computer vision, transcending boundaries – from terrestrial applications that enhance industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, and surveillance to extraterrestrial endeavours like space situational awareness and remote sensing.

As we navigate through tasks including image recognition, object detection, and pose estimation, we will showcase real-world applications, highlighting the latest success stories but also the technical challenges that are yet to be solved. While the rapid progress in these technologies has led to unprecedented capabilities and opportunities, we will also touch on important questions about their limitations, privacy concerns and ethical considerations.


18.00 – Lecture

18.45 – Q&A

19.00 – Networking cocktail


From 21 September 2023 until end of February 2024, on Belval Campus, Kirchberg Campus and at Neumünster Abbey, discover with us science and solutions for the world of tomorrow – open to all and free of charge, across our research areas.


More information and registration at:
