jeudi 29 février
18:00 - 20:00
Université du Luxembourg – Campus Belval / Maison du Savoir

Université du Luxembourg

Université du Luxembourg : 20 Years of Ideas – Lecture series

The Do’s and Don’ts for Future Robots

Dr. Réka Markovich

Belval Campus, Maison du Savoir, Room 3.500

From 18.00 to 20.00

Lecture held in English


As the boundary between sci-fi and reality becomes increasingly blurred, the question of how future robots should behave becomes more and more pressing. Why and how should we think about the governance of these soon-to-be-developed autonomous intelligent agents? In this talk, I will introduce the questions, considerations, and directions of machine ethics: the discipline concerning what principles or rules future machines should obey and how we can make this happen by automating the process called normative reasoning.


18.00 – Lecture

18.45 – Q&A

19.00 – Networking cocktail


From 21 September 2023 until end of February 2024, on Belval Campus, Kirchberg Campus and at Neumünster Abbey, discover with us science and solutions for the world of tomorrow – open to all and free of charge, across our research areas.


More information and registration at:

Information de contact pour cet événement

Téléphone: 00352 46 66 44 9160
