mercredi 27 septembre
18:00 - 20:00
Université du Luxembourg – Campus Belval / Maison du Savoir

Université du Luxembourg

Université du Luxembourg : 20 Years of Ideas – Lecture series

The simplicity of complexity: the art of unpuzzling mathematics

Prof. Dr. Hugo Parlier

Belval, Maison du Savoir, Room 3.500

From 18.00 to 19.00

Lecture held in English

Abstract This talk will be about projects aiming to illustrate geometry and, more generally, the processes of mathematical research through puzzles. The puzzles are played following simple rules on tiled surfaces using ideas stemming from the math of combinations, shapes and space. In the background, associated to each puzzle is a “puzzle space”: it is the network you travel in while playing the puzzle. These spaces can be visualized, studied, and have all sorts of interesting properties. From simple, to difficult, to potentially impossible, these puzzles allow you to experience the birth of mathematical complexity. The Quadratis puzzles were created and brought to life with Paul Turner, Mario Gutiérrez and Reyna Juárez (see The Involution and Revolution puzzles were created together with with Bruno Teheux.


From 21 September 2023 until end of February 2024, on Belval Campus, Kirchberg Campus and at Neumünster Abbey, discover with us science and solutions for the world of tomorrow – open to all and free of charge, across our research areas.


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