samedi 28 septembre
20:30 -
Centre Culturel Kulturfabrik Esch

Noiseworks Records 30 years Festival

Local music festival to celebrate the 30 years of Noiseworks Records.

Noiseworks Records was issued and established in 1989/1990 in Karl-Marx-Stadt based under the economic order of former G.D.R. The beginning of a new era for noisy music in the east of Germany.

In Autumn 2004, the brand moves to Luxembourg. The idea to give the luxembourgish music scene a platform for international exchange was born. Thus Noiseworks helped the Luxembourg based music scene originating from a collective for cultural promotion doing their first steps into an international music industry.

Since 2013 the Trademark of noisy music was rehabilitated and revived in collaboration with new faces. The new Co-Owners will bring new motivations and ideas to keep the power of the cultural collective going: pushing the artists forward with focus on their passion, their music, none of this „eat-or-be-eaten“ ludicrousness.

The Majestic Unicorns From Hell
Tommy Lux & STA “The Cosmic Cube”
T the BOSS
Lost In Pain
Versus You

De Pascal vu Wooltz

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