The concert of LAURA COX initially scheduled for the 17th of September 2020 has been rescheduled to the 14th of April 2021. All tickets bought remain valid for the new date. We thank you for your understanding and hope to see you back soon at the Rockhal!
Half English, half French, 100% Rock’n’Roll – Laura Cox is exactly what she promises to be:a "Badass Rock’n’Roll Lady" who produces sounds with her guitar that make the world quakein a groundbreaking way. With this she has catapulted herself into the rankings of thegreatest female guitarists, and is there seriously anything cooler than being mentioned in thesame breath as Nancy Wilson (Heart), Nita Strauss (Alice Cooper), The Runaways or JoanJett, just to name a few.
With her powerful solos, catchy choruses and her unbridled voice, she has not only taken theinternet by storm (380,000 YouTube subscribers, 90 million views!), but she has also beenplaying sold-out tours for several years.The guitarist and singer has never denied that life as a female guitarist is very different fromthat of her male colleagues. She still never tires of mentioning that she doesn’t care aboutsex appeal in the least, but much more about her guitar!
It is this very attitude that has led to her debut album "Hard Blues Shot" (2017) selling over10,000 copies in France in just a few months, gaining the highest recognition among herguitarists and guitarist colleagues, and a highly successful YouTube channel.
The new, 2nd album "Burning Bright", released by Ear-Music on November 8, 2019, is "highvoltage rock ‘n’ roll" in the style of AC/DC and Danko Jones meets Joan Jett, mixed withSouthern and Blues influences. Therefore Laura herself defines her style as "Southern HardBlues" – a mix of genres and bands she grew up with. "Burning Bright" was recorded at thelegendary ICP Studios (Johnny Hallyday, The Cure, Vanessa Paradis, Solomon Burke). Witha flawless backup band and a mastering of the great Howie Weinberg (Aerosmith, Oasis,The White Stripes) it’s packed with 10 blues, classic rock and hard rock bombs! This is alsothe opinion of the experts at the rock magazine eclipsed February 2020 issue, who votedtheir album to the 50th place of the best 100 albums for 2019. They also have 3 of theirconcerts on the list of the top concerts in 2019.
Horaires:Doors: 20:00
Show: 20:30, 2020-09-17T18:00:00Z
Organized by Rockhal
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