dimanche 22 septembre
20:30 - 22:00
Escher Bibliothéik – Bibliothèque municipale d’Esch-sur-Alzette

Fres(c)h from the Fountain!


An English evening with poetry and prose written and performed by Jean-Marc Lantz, Claudine Muno and Tom Hengen, three authors from Luxembourg who have chosen to write in English – always or sometimes.

Stories about memories, student days, nostalgia, friendship, Luxembourg and Wales;
Stories about childhood, loneliness and individuality;
Stories about life and about what it means to be human;
Stories that are amusing, funny, strange, moving and provocative.

Free entry, not accessible to people with special needs (limited mobility).

Date : Sunday, 22nd September at 18h30

Location :
Escher Bibliothéik
26, rue Emile Mayrisch
L-4240 Esch-sur-Alzette

Tél. : +325 27 54 4960

Information de contact pour cet événement

Téléphone: +325 27 54 4960
E-mail: bibliotheque@villeesch.lu
Internet: https://bibliotheque.esch.lu/
Organisateur: Escher Bibliothéik

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