mercredi 11 mai
Centre Culturel Kulturfabrik Esch

Angst essen Seele auf

Biographie Jerome Klein 2022 Culture clash movies are practically a genre in themselves. They can subvert every known genre in moviedom and turn its conventions upside down, making it a culture clash movie instead. Wasn’t „King Kong“ one of the first culture clash movies? From high drama to absurdist comedy, from harsh documentary to psychologically nuanced auteur cinema to roaring blockbuster, the culture clash movie tells us a lot about human experience and the bond we all share. Some of them are, of course, heavy on cliché, but the good ones don’t have to rely on that. A culture clash doesn’t have to turn into a culture war either. Anyone for a „remix“?

  • Drama
  • GER, 1974
  • Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
  • Casting: Brigitte Mira, El Hedi Ben Salem, Barbara Valentin
  • 92 min
  • OV with French subtitles
  • Suitable for ages 16+

EN – A sexagenarian cleaning woman, Emmi, meets a much younger Moroccan immigrant worker in a bar. Against all odds, they start a relationship that as it deepens attracts all the hostility of the neighbourhood. A great social drama by Fassbinder.

DE – Ein Putzfrau, Mitte sechzig, trifft in einer Gastarbeiter-Kneipe den gut zwanzig Jahre jüngeren Marokkaner Ali. Eine Beziehung entwickelt sich, die schon bald auf den erbitterten Widerstand von Familie, Arbeitskollegen und Bekanntenkreis von Emmi stößt. Großes Sozialdrama von Fassbinder.

FR – Emmi, une femme de ménage sexagénaire, rencontre Ali, travailleur immigré marocain, beaucoup plus jeune qu’elle. En dépit de l’hostilité quasi immédiate et unanime de son entourage, Emmi entame une relation avec Ali. Un grand drame social de Fassbinder.
