The third European BioImage Analysts Conference NEUBIAS will take place from 2 to 8 February 2019 in Luxembourg. It will gather the whole BioImage analysis community into a multi-faceted event, with two parallel training schools for selected early career and advanced analysts, a working meeting (Taggathon) for invited taggers and a large symposium dedicated to recent scientific developments and open tools in BioImage analysis.
NeubiasSuccessful image-based life science research relies on the tight interplay of experimental data acquisition, data handling and their analysis & interpretation. Only if all disciplines are working hand-in-hand, a synergistic effect can be expected.
NEUBIAS is a new network of European BioImage analysts which offers a platform that facilitates collaborations. Its yearly symposium fosters interactions between all stakeholders, including life scientists, image analysists, microscopists, software developers and industrial partners. It is a forum to exchange the newest findings and is defining new trends ranging from imaging technologies & applications, cutting-edge developments in bio-image analysis, machine learning, data mining & data storage.
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